Friday, February 18, 2011

*cough cough* phlem

Wow, I fail.
I suck at following goals, and I suck at sticking to a plan of any sort.
Also I suck at being a good student, or having any idea what to do with my life. Like I've said previously, this is too young to decide what I'm going to do with my life.
I used to be a Cultural Resource Management major. Decided that wasn't quite right for me, I don't have a business oriented mind, I've learned that.
Now I'm majoring in Anthropology, minoring in Chemistry and History, and now that I'm really getting into the nitty gritty 4000 level anth classes, I'm realizing, I don't have the brain for this either. I'm not smart enough for this kind of stuff. I mean, I'm good at research, love doing it. but the more I think about it, the more I realize I don't want to be stuffed in a library in England, okay maybe i do, but I want to be productive in my life. I want to change peoples lives and make a real difference. I want to spend hours in a library in London, don't get me wrong, but I also want to see people smile because I've helped them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I've decided, since it's so close to my 21st birthday, to post pictures from the year of my birth. What better way to start than with the fall of the Berlin Wall

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I hate children.
I think they are disgusting until they're 10, and then they're just irritating until they graduate high school. Take today for instance. I was driving home from the grocery. My mom and my roommate are both ill and so I've been running around all day trying to make things easier for them while still doing what I need to get done.
I was driving and there was this group of middle schoolers meandering through the middle of the street. One of them just stops right in front of me. "Oh how pretty the sky is today" Thanks sunshine, wanna move? So she looks at me and continues walking like there's not a CAR waiting for her to move. I make a comment, then BAM she jumps right back into the road. I slam on my break. Thank god Georgia (my 2007 jetta) has good breaks! I thought I was going to kill a moronic 12 year old! I swear I'm never having children... or at least: this is the EXACT reason my children are going to boarding school, I've been. I loved it. I just hate cretins

Monday, March 22, 2010

There's nothing exciting about me. I'm not a professional anything, there's nothing exciting about my life. I don't go on vacations all over the place every weekend, so I can't give updates about that. I don't cook, I don't write.
I'm a student. At a no where school in Louisiana. I'm an academic person, I plan on researching for the rest of my life. I'm going to be an Anthropology major. I'm switching schools from no where to LSU. I went there last Sunday and almost had a breakdown since it was such a large campus and there were so many people!
I don't even know what I'm going to do with my life. I don't think its a very good idea to have to choose that sort of thing when you're in college, unless you go to school later in life. Which I think is a good idea. Have everyone wait to go to college. You have to be at least 25. I don't think 18 is a good time to start school with a major, because then you just waste time when your 22, getting ready to graduate when you take a law class and decide pre-law is your calling and you've been a bio major the past four years. It's just silly.
Besides that, I'm 20, and I've been a cultural resource management major since my first semester of college. And I have no idea if that's what I want to do. It doesn't excite me. I went to a high school that I hated being sick because I would have to miss school. I know what it means and what it feels like to love school, to love what you're doing with your life. But I hadn't felt that way since 2007. So is this what I should be doing with my life? I think 20 is too young an age to be deciding things like that. I think 20 is too young an age to do much of anything besides discovery.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I still don't know how this is going to work out, since I'm supposedly doing two things at once. But after graduation (please, only be two semesters and not three, I can't take this any more!) I plan on going to Korea to teach english. Now that's been in the plans. But after going to Scotland, I've realized I need to live there, and I already have a roommate... who doesn't know how serious I am about the teaching English in Korea thing...
But now I have also decided that when I get around to it... I'm totally going to grad school, or something, in Colorado

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I say grace

Top books in my to read pile:
The Painted Veil
Bollywood Nights
Let the Right One In
Tender is the Night
Slumdog Millionaire (formally Q&A)
Top 5 Favorite Famous People: (in no order at the moment)
1. Rachel Weiz
2. Emma Watson
3. Kiera Knightley
4. Kristen Bell
5. Alona Tal
6. Zoe Saldana (because she's so awesome she made 5 into 6)