Sunday, August 30, 2009

you and i, both loved

So after being inspired by a post in


blog, I have decided to turn my "library" as I so call it, it's actually the formal dining room according to the blueprints of the house, into my 'writer's office' being
1. I'm the only person in the whole damn house who goes in there
2. It will soon be my bedroom anyway
3. Son I'll be living in an apartment in hammond, anyway... which I'm actually NOT looking forward to at all, since then I'll have to stay in Hammond on weekends and what not, which I really don't want to do. I also don't feel like having everyone know that I'm there, and think that means I never have anything to do, so I must go out with them... no my friends, leave me alone.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

good morning kitty... dude, just go there

good morning kitty by luciana on WeGIF

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. . . it went there

So I just looked through my GMAT test prep book. The essays aren't so bad, even the verbal is conquerable with practice. That math section? I couldn't pass that unless I had just popped out of high school. I guess I'm going back to math 161, just for a refresher course

You fail at life, Rosetta Stone

I have two new books today. Not from my own choice, but because I am strong enough to turn away from the filthy needle that is Barnes and Noble infused crack. It was very hard, and I felt like I was in a cold sweat by the time I left the store (that, my friends, is not a lie).
I bought a GMAT test prep, and Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The lady helping me find Tender is the Night (I asked for help so I wouldn't get lost or distracted) asked if there was anything else I needed. I said, "please no!" and walked away. She thinks I'm crazy. I think I deserve a piece of cake as a reward.

And the Thunder Rolls

This is the ONLY picture I have of my dogs that isn't blurry. And it isn't even her head!
Well, I'm heading to Barnes and Noble in a few to get both a GMAT test prep book, and also some other books to read while procrastinating on my history book. Any suggestions?

My phone's ringtone is a classical piece, and I can't figure out which one

Setting up the mobile device. I wanted to see how it worked.

Post one, as a pull over from Tibet

SO that whole update thing, It didn't happen. Turns out I am strait awful at this whole updating thing. I'm no Emi, who is in Russia, lucky. I want to actually LIVE in a foreign country. That will be the day. A very soon day. I'm moving to Edinburgh, at least there, Once I graduate college. Then living in s. korea for a year to teach english. Anyone who can offer help on good living areas, or places to work while I live there, since school will be soo expensive!
Oh, grad school: MBA, I've decided, and I'm very happy about it, and I have Scotland to thank!